Home Ödeme Sistemleri EMV EMV Tag’leri nelerdir?

EMV Tag’leri nelerdir?

26 min read

EMV’de veriler Tag-Length-Value şeklinde tutulmakta ve Kart, Pos ve otorizasyon sistemi arasında veriler Tag-Lengyh-Value formatında taşınmaktadır.

Tag-Length-Value ifadeleri kısaca TLV olarak ifade edilmektedir.

Tag :Veri tipinin ne olduğu (Ör: Application Label, Application Identifier)
Length :Verinin uzunluğu
Value :Verinin içeriği

Peki Tag değerleri nedir ve ne anlama gelmektedir?

Tagler farklı uzunluk ve yapıdadır. Aşağıda EMV’de yer alan tüm Tag ve Açıklamalarını görebilirsiniz.

x41ISO 7816Country code and national data
x42ISO 7816Issuer Identification Number (IIN)
x43ISO 7816Card service data
x44ISO 7816Initial access data
x45ISO 7816Card issuer’s data
x46ISO 7816Pre-issuing data
x47ISO 7816Card capabilities
x48ISO 7816Status information
x4DISO 7816Extended header list
x4FISO 7816Application Identifier (AID), Card
x50ISO 7816Application Label
x51ISO 7816Path (see 5.2.1)
x52ISO 7816Command-to-perform
x53ISO 7816Discretionary data, discretionary template
x56ISO 7816Track 1, Equivalent Data
x57ISO 7816Track 2, Equivalent Data
x58ISO 7816Track 3, Equivalent Data
x59ISO 7816card expiration date
x5AISO 7816Application Primary Account Number (PAN)
x5BISO 7816Name of an individual
x5CISO 7816Tag list
x5DISO 7816Header list
x5EISO 7816Proprietary login data
x5F20ISO 7816Cardholder name
x5F21ISO 7816Track 1, identical to the data coded
x5F22ISO 7816Track 2, identical to the data coded
x5F23ISO 7816Track 3, identical to the data coded
x5F24ISO 7816Date, Application Expiration
x5F25ISO 7816Date, Application Effective
x5F26ISO 7816Date, Card Effective
x5F27ISO 7816Interchange control
x5F28ISO 7816Country Code, Issuer
x5F29ISO 7816Interchange profile
x5F2AISO 7816Currency Code, Transaction
x5F2BISO 7816Date of birth
x5F2CISO 7816Cardholder nationality
x5F2DISO 7816Language Preference
x5F2EISO 7816Cardholder biometric data
x5F2FISO 7816PIN usage policy
x5F30ISO 7816Service Code
x5F32ISO 7816Transaction counter
x5F33ISO 7816Date, Transaction
x5F34ISO 7816Application Primary Account Number (PAN) Sequence Number / Card Sequence Number (CSN)
x5F35ISO 7816Sex (ISO 5218)
x5F36ISO 7816Currency Exponent, Transaction
x5F37ISO 7816Static internal authentication (one-step)
x5F38ISO 7816Static internal authentication – first associated data
x5F39ISO 7816Static internal authentication – second associated data
x5F3AISO 7816Dynamic internal authentication
x5F3BISO 7816Dynamic external authentication
x5F3CISO 7816Dynamic mutual authentication
x5F40ISO 7816Cardholder portrait image
x5F41ISO 7816Element list
x5F42ISO 7816Address
x5F43ISO 7816Cardholder handwritten signature image
x5F44ISO 7816Application image
x5F45ISO 7816Display message
x5F46ISO 7816Timer
x5F47ISO 7816Message reference
x5F48ISO 7816Private Key, Cardholder
x5F49ISO 7816Public Key, Cardholder
x5F4AISO 7816Public Key, Certification Authority
x5F4BISO 7816Deprecated (see note 2 below)
x5F4CISO 7816Certificate holder authorization
x5F4DISO 7816Integrated circuit manufacturer identifier
x5F4EISO 7816Certificate content
x5F50ISO 7816Uniform resource locator (URL)
x5F52ISO 7816ATR Historical Bytes
x60ISO 7816Template, Dynamic Authentication
x60x80ISO 7816, Commitment (e.g., a positive number less than the public RSA modulus in use)
x60x81ISO 7816, Challenge (e.g., a number, possibly zero, less than the public RSA exponent in use)
x60x82ISO 7816, Response (e.g., a positive number less than the public RSA modulus in use)
x60x83ISO 7816, Committed challenge (e.g., the hash-code of a commitment data object)
x60x84ISO 7816Authentication code (e.g., the hash-code of one or more data fields and a commitment data object)
x60x85ISO 7816Exponential (e.g., a public positive number for establishing a session key by a DH method)
x60xAISO 7816, Template, Identification data
x61ISO 7816Template, Application
x62ISO 7816Template, File Control Parameters (FCP)
x62x80ISO 7816, Number of data bytes in the file, excluding structural information
x62x81ISO 7816, Number of data bytes in the file, including structural information if any
x62x82ISO 7816, File descriptor byte
x62x83ISO 7816, File identifier
x62x84ISO 7816, DF name
x62x85ISO 7816, Proprietary information, primitive encoding (i.e., not coded in BER-TLV)
x62x86ISO 7816, Security attribute in proprietary format
x62x87ISO 7816, Identifier of an EF containing an extension of the file control information
x62x88ISO 7816, Short EF identifier
x62x8AISO 7816, Life cycle status byte (LCS)
x62x8BISO 7816, Security attribute referencing the expanded format
x62x8CISO 7816, Security attribute in compact format
x62x8DISO 7816, Identifier of an EF containing security environment templates
x62xA0ISO 7816, Template, Security attribute for data objects
x62xA1ISO 7816, Template, Security attribute for physical interfaces
x62xA2ISO 7816One or more pairs of data objects, short EF identifier (tag 88) – absolute or relative path (tag 51)
x62xA5ISO 7816, Proprietary information, constructed encoding
x62xABISO 7816, Security attribute in expanded format
x62xACISO 7816, Identifier of a cryptographic mechanism
x63ISO 7816Wrapper
x64ISO 7816Template, File Management Data (FMD)
x65ISO 7816Cardholder related data
x66ISO 7816Template, Card data
x67ISO 7816Template, Authentication data
x68ISO 7816Special user requirements
x6AISO 7816Template, Login
x6Ax80ISO 7816, Qualifier
x6Ax81ISO 7816, Telephone Number
x6Ax82ISO 7816, Text
x6Ax83ISO 7816, Delay indicators, for detecting an end of message
x6Ax84ISO 7816, Delay indicators, for detecting an absence of response
x6BISO 7816Template, Qualified name
x6Bx06ISO 7816, Qualified name
x6Bx80ISO 7816, Name
x6BxA0ISO 7816, Name
x6CISO 7816Template, Cardholder image
x6DISO 7816Template, Application image
x6Dx67x53ISO 7816Image Encoding Format
x6EISO 7816Aplication related data
x6FISO 7816Template, File Control Parameters and File Management Data (FCI)
x70EMVTemplate, AEF Data
x73ISO 7816emplate, Directory Discretionary
x78ISO 7816ompatible Tag Allocation Authority
x79ISO 7816oexistent Tag Allocation Authority
x7AISO 7816emplate, Security Support (SS);see 6.4
x7Ax80ISO 7816, Card session counter
x7Ax81ISO 7816, Session identifier
x7Ax82ISO 7816, File selection counter
x7Ax83ISO 7816, File selection counter
x7Ax84ISO 7816, File selection counter
x7Ax85ISO 7816, File selection counter
x7Ax86ISO 7816, File selection counter
x7Ax87ISO 7816, File selection counter
x7Ax88ISO 7816, File selection counter
x7Ax89ISO 7816, File selection counter
x7Ax8AISO 7816, File selection counter
x7Ax8BISO 7816, File selection counter
x7Ax8CISO 7816, File selection counter
x7Ax8DISO 7816, File selection counter
x7Ax8EISO 7816, File selection counter
x7Ax93ISO 7816, Digital signature counter
x7Ax9F2XISO 7816Internal progression value (‘X’-is a specific index, e.g., an index referencing a counter of file selections)
x7Ax9F3YISO 7816External progression value (‘Y’-is a specific index, e.g., an index referencing an external time stamp)
X7bISO 7816Template, Security Environment (SE); see 6.5
x7Bx80ISO 7816, SEID byte, mandatory
x7Bx8AISO 7816, LCS byte, optional
x7BxA4ISO 7816, SE Authentication (AT)
x7BxA6ISO 7816, SE Key Agreement (KAT)
x7BxAAISO 7816, SE Hashing (HT)
x7BxACISO 7816, Cryptographic mechanism identifier template, optional
x7BxB4ISO 7816, SE Cryptographic Checksum
x7BxB6ISO 7816, SE Digital signature (DST)
x7BxB8ISO 7816, SE Confidentiality (CT)
X7dISO 7816Template, Secure Messaging (SM);see 6
x7Dx80ISO 7816, Plain value not coded in BER-TLV
x7Dx81ISO 7816, Plain value not coded in BER-TLV
x7Dx82ISO 7816, Cryptogram (plain value coded in BER-TLV and including secure messaging data objects)
x7Dx83ISO 7816, Cryptogram (plain value coded in BER-TLV and including secure messaging data objects)
x7Dx84ISO 7816, Cryptogram (plain value coded in BER-TLV, but not including secure messaging data objects)
x7Dx85ISO 7816, Cryptogram (plain value coded in BER-TLV, but not including secure messaging data objects)
x7Dx86ISO 7816, Padding-content indicator byte followed by cryptogram (plain value not coded in BER-TLV)
x7Dx87ISO 7816, Padding-content indicator byte followed by cryptogram (plain value not coded in BER-TLV)
x7Dx8ISO 7816, Cryptographic checksum (at least four bytes)
x7Dx9ISO 7816, Hash-code
x7Dx9ISO 7816, Hash-code
x7Dx9ISO 7816, Certificate (not BER-TLV coded data)
x7Dx9ISO 7816, Certificate (not BER-TLV coded data)
x7Dx9ISO 7816, Security environment identifier (SEID byte, see 6.5)
x7Dx9ISO 7816, Security environment identifier (SEID byte, see 6.5)
x7Dx9ISO 7816, Number Le in the unsecured command APDU (one or two bytes)
x7Dx9ISO 7816, Number Le in the unsecured command APDU (one or two bytes)
x7Dx9ISO 7816, Processing status of the secured response APDU (new SW1-SW2, two bytes)
x7Dx9ISO 7816, Input data element for the computation of a digital signature (the value field is signed)
x7Dx9ISO 7816, Input data element for the computation of a digital signature (the value field is signed)
x7Dx9ISO 7816, Public key
x7Dx9ISO 7816, Public key
x7Dx9ISO 7816, Digital signature
x7DxAISO 7816, Input template for the computation of a hash-code (the template is hashed)
x7DxAISO 7816, Input template for the computation of a hash-code (the template is hashed)
x7DxAISO 7816, Input template for the verification of a cryptographic checksum (the template is integrated)
x7DxAISO 7816, Control reference template for authentication (AT)
x7DxAISO 7816, Control reference template for authentication (AT)
x7DxAISO 7816, Input template for the verification of a digital signature (the template is signed)
x7DxAISO 7816, Template, Control reference for hash-code (HT)
x7DxAISO 7816, Template, Control reference for hash-code (HT)
x7DxAISO 7816, Input template for the computation of a digital signature (the concatenated value fields are signed)
x7DxAISO 7816, Input template for the computation of a digital signature (the concatenated value fields are signed)
x7DxAISO 7816, Input template for the computation of a certificate (the concatenated value fields are signed)
x7DxAISO 7816, Input template for the computation of a certificate (the concatenated value fields are signed)
x7DxB0ISO 7816, Plain value coded in BER-TLV and including secure messaging data objects
x7DxB1ISO 7816, Plain value coded in BER-TLV and including secure messaging data objects
x7DxB2ISO 7816, Plain value coded in BER-TLV, but not including secure messaging data objects
x7DxB3ISO 7816, Plain value coded in BER-TLV, but not including secure messaging data objects
x7DxB4ISO 7816, Control reference template for cryptographic checksum (CCT)
x7DxB5ISO 7816, Control reference template for cryptographic checksum (CCT)
x7DxB6ISO 7816, Control reference template for digital signature (DST)
x7DxB7ISO 7816, Control reference template for digital signature (DST)
x7DxB8ISO 7816, Control reference template for confidentiality (CT)
x7DxB9ISO 7816, Control reference template for confidentiality (CT)
x7DxBAISO 7816, Response descriptor template
x7DxBBISO 7816, Response descriptor template
x7DxBCISO 7816, Input template for the computation of a digital signature (the template is signed)
x7DxBDISO 7816, Input template for the computation of a digital signature (the template is signed)
x7DxBEISO 7816, Input template for the verification of a certificate (the template is certified)
x7EISO 7816Template, Nesting Interindustry data objects
x7F20ISO 7816Display control template
x7F21ISO 7816Cardholder certificate
x7F2EISO 7816Biometric data template
x7F49ISO 7816Template, Cardholder public key
x7F49x80ISO 7816Algorithm reference as used in control reference data objects for secure messaging
x7F49x81ISO 7816RSA Modulus (a number denoted as n coded on x bytes), or DSA First prime (a number denoted as p coded on y bytes), or ECDSA Prime (a number denoted as p coded on z bytes)
x7F49x82ISO 781616, RSA Public exponent (a number denoted as v, e.g., 65537), or DSA Second pr
x7F49x83ISO 7816DSA Basis (a number denoted as g of order q coded on y bytes), or ECDSA Second coefficient (a number denoted as b coded on z bytes)
x7F49x84ISO 7816DSA Public key (a number denoted as y equal to g to the power x mod p where x is the private key coded on y bytes), or ECDSA Generator (a point denoted as PB on the curve, coded on 2z bytes)
x7F49x85ISO 7816ECDSA Order (a prime number denoted as q, order of the generator PB, coded on z bytes)
x7F49x86ISO 7816ECDSA Public key (a point denoted as PP on the curve, equal to x times PB where x is the private key, coded on 2z bytes)
x7F4CISO 7816Template, Certificate Holder Authorization
x7F4EISO 7816Certificate Body
x7F4Ex42ISO 781616, Certificate Authority Reference
x7F4Ex5f20ISO 78167816, Certificate Holder Reference
x7F4Ex5f24ISO 78167816, Expiration Date, Certificate
x7F4Ex5f25ISO 78167816, Effective Date, Certificate
x7F4Ex5f29ISO 78167816, Certificate Profile Identifier
x7F4Ex65ISO 781616, Certificate Extensions
x7F60ISO 7816Template, Biometric information
x06.Object Identifier (OID)
x5F53EMVInternational Bank Account Number (IBAN)
x5F54EMVBank Identifier Code (BIC)
x5F55EMVIssuer Country Code (alpha2 format)
x5F56EMVIssuer Country Code (alpha3 format)
x5F57EMVAccount Type
x6FxA5EMVTemplate, FCI A5
x71EMV Template, Issuer Script 1
x71x86EMVIssuer Script Command
x71x9F18EMVIssuer Script Identifier
x72EMVTemplate, Issuer Script 2
x77EMVTemplate, Response Message Format 2
x80EMVTemplate, Response Message Format 1
x81EMVAuthorised Amount (Binary)
x82EMVApplication Interchange Profile (AIP)
x83EMVTemplate, Command
x84EMVDedicated File (DF) Name
x86EMVIssuer Script Command
x87EMVApplication Priority Indicator
x88EMVShort File Identifier (SFI)
x89EMVAuthorization Code
x8AEMVAuthorization Response Code (ARC)
x8CEMVCard Risk Management DOL 1 (CDOL1)
x8DEMVCard Risk Management DOL 2 (CDOL2)
x8EEMVCardholder Verification Method (CVM) List
x8FEMVPublic Key Index, Certification Authority, Card
x90EMVPublic Key Certificate, Issuer
x91EMVIssuer Authentication Data
x92EMVPublic Key Remainder, Issuer
x93EMVSigned Static Application Data (SAD)
x94EMVApplication File Locator (AFL)
x95EMVTerminal Verification Results (TVR)
x97EMVTransaction Certificate DOL (TDOL)
x98EMVTransaction Certificate (TC) Hash Value
x99EMVTransaction PIN Data
x9AEMVDate, Transaction
x9BEMVTransaction Status Information (TSI)
x9CEMVTransaction Type
x9DEMVDirectory Definition File (DDF) Name
x9F01EMVAcquirer Identifier
x9F02EMVAuthorised Amount (Numeric)
x9F03EMVAmount, Other (Numeric)
x9F04EMVAmount, Other (Binary)
x9F05EMVDiscretionary Data, Application
x9F06EMVApplication Identifier (AID), Terminal
x9F07EMVApplication Usage Control (AUC)
x9F08EMVApplication Version Number, Card
x9F09EMVApplication Version Number, Terminal
x9F0AEMVApplication Selection Registered Proprietary Data (ASRPD)
x9F0BEMVCardholder Name – Extended
x9F0DEMVIssuer Action Code – Default
x9F0EEMVIssuer Action Code – Denial
x9F0FEMVIssuer Action Code – Online
x9F10EMVIssuer Application Data (IAD)
x9F11EMVIssuer Code Table Index
x9F12EMVApplication Preferred Name
x9F13EMVLast Online ATC Register
x9F14EMVLower Consecutive Offline Limit (LCOL)
x9F15EMVMerchant Category Code (MCC)
x9F16EMVMerchant Identifier
x9F17EMVPIN Try Counter
x9F18EMVIssuer Script Identifier
x9F19EMVToken Requestor ID
x9F1AEMVCountry Code, Terminal
x9F1BEMVTerminal Floor Limit
x9F1CEMVTerminal Identification
x9F1DEMVTerminal Risk Management Data
x9F1EEMVInterface Device (IFD) Serial Number
x9F1FEMVTrack 1, Discretionary Data
x9F20EMVTrack 2, Discretionary Data
x9F21EMVTime, Transaction
x9F22EMVPublic Key Index, Certification Authority, Terminal
x9F23EMVUpper Consecutive Offline Limit (UCOL)
x9F24EMVTokenisation, Payment Account Reference (PAR)
x9F26EMVCryptogram, Application
x9F27EMVCryptogram Information Data (CID)
x9F2DEMVPublic Key Certificate, ICC PIN Encipherment
x9F2EEMVPublic Key Exponent, ICC PIN Encipherment
x9F2FEMVPublic Key Remainder, ICC PIN Encipherment
x9F32EMVPublic Key Exponent, Issuer
x9F33EMVTerminal Capabilities
x9F34EMVCardholder Verification Method (CVM) Results
x9F35EMVTerminal Type
x9F36EMVApplication Transaction Counter (ATC)
x9F37EMVUnpredictable Number
x9F38EMVProcessing Options DOL (PDOL)
x9F39EMVPOS Entry Mode
x9F3AEMVAmount, Reference Currency (Binary)
x9F3BEMVCurrency Code, Application Reference
x9F3CEMVCurrency Code, Transaction Reference
x9F3DEMVCurrency Exponent, Transaction Reference
x9F40EMVAdditional Terminal Capabilities (ATC)
x9F41EMVTransaction Sequence Counter
x9F42EMVCurrency Code, Application
x9F43EMVCurrency Exponent, Application Reference
x9F44EMVCurrency Exponent, Application
x9F45EMVData Authentication Code
x9F46EMVPublic Key Certificate, ICC
x9F47EMVPublic Key Exponent, ICC
x9F48EMVPublic Key Remainder, ICC
x9F49EMVData Object List, Dynamic (DDOL)
x9F4AEMVTag List, Static Data Authentication (SDA)
x9F4BEMVSigned Dynamic Application Data (SDAD)
x9F4CEMVICC Dynamic Number
x9F4DEMVLog Entry
x9F4EEMVMerchant Name and Location
x9F4FEMVLog Format
xBF0C EMVFCI Issuer Discretionary Data
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